Showing posts with label Locating Ancestors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locating Ancestors. Show all posts

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Who Do You Think You Are?" - NBC Show On Discovering Your Ancestry

This is one of the most amazing shows on television right now, its called: "Who Do You Think You Are?" It features today's famous celebrities and takes them on a historical journey back to their ancestral roots. In partnership with the show has proven to be one of the most riveting and interesting on TV today.

As a first generation Italian American, I find the connection to discovering more about your background totally fascinating and to add there is such historical significance which makes this show all the more compelling. It airs Friday nights at 8 p.m. on NBC.

Watch this episode with Susan Sarandon as her journey takes her back to Italy. Amazing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Italian American Ancestory- Discovering My Ancestory By Finding Out More About My Nonno, Who Was Killed In Action During World War II.

As a first generation Italian American, I am lucky because I know my family tree with little or no time gaps, knowing Zio or Zia is a reality for me. I don't have to go to the town hall of the town where my parents came from and research names and family members, I know where they live and have been to their homes a bunch of times. Now, when it comes to my Nonno, my father's father, its a different story. I never knew him, just always knew him from this photo on the left. My father told us the story about his father a hundred times over the years but it just always seemed vague.

The only thing I knew about my Nonno, was that he was sent to fight the second World War in Northern Italy and never returned. This was the whole reason in my father's later life that he ended up traveling to America to make money for his family. My father assumed the role of father to his siblings and was responsible for making money and sending it back to Reggio Calabria. He didn't travel to America till later in life but as a 12 year old child, my father was basically forced to quit school and go out and find work, so the whole family could eat. This was the true meaning of post war poverty.

Myself and my siblings never really knew the true story behind who my Nonno was, I think in Italian families sometimes we tend to not talk about things that hurt us and just pretend that by not talking about a person who passed on, somehow gets you through the pain. Maybe not all families, but I know that's how my family deals. I was always curious about my Nonno because as a kid you want a grandparent and especially me and my siblings. We were always at a disadvantage because any grandparent we knew was in Italy and the only time you ever saw them was when you went to Italy. So, "Grandparents Day" at elementary school was always a no show. I was the I-talian kid with no grandparents. ( I mean, really I always had a hard time explaining, yes I have a grandparent but he lives in Italy, so no I don't think he'll be making the trip over just for Grandparents Day at school today.)

We did have one grandparent and that was my mother's father. I had more of a relationship with him, but again not the one I had wished for because we lived a world away. So, I guess knowing and having a grandparent has always been something I longed for, and now that I am older I want to explore the history behind who my Nonno was. Until recently, which I find fascinating, the Italian government had mailed my aunt a letter stating, actually an official letter from the Italian military or veterans affairs, that my Nonno "officially" had been laid to rest in a military grave site in Northern Italy. He was killed in action, according to government papers so this was the last known information regarding his status when he reported for duty during World War II.

So, for those years during the war, my father as a child was left to know that his father was just killed in action, with no other explanation. To imagine more recently, to finally be sent a letter from the Italian government stating that your father is now officially recognized and laid to rest at a military grave site, is unreal. There is no evidence that his physical body was accounted for but the Italian government extended the courtesy of sending out an official recognition to my family after inquiring about his official status and grave location, which I think is noble.

My interest in knowing more about my Nonno will be further explored this summer when I visit my family and really ask questions about him and the official documents and locations. Just because I'm first generation Italian American doesn't mean my generation gap is flawless, I too have questions and my curiosity is definitely my driving force in staying connected to my roots. I will post again on this topic as I experience it, thank you for taking this journey with me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Discovering Your Italian Heritage Through Research &

One of the greatest parts of being Italian American is knowing your heritage and culture. Many Italian Americans are aware of their heritage but only through family storytelling and no real tangible photos, names, or locations of their original Italian ancestors.

An amazing feeling is knowing who are you and where you come from. You are American but knowing your roots as an Italian is really a wonderful feeling and a sense of full cultural identity. Part of knowing your roots requires research, education and an open mind. When some people embark on finding relatives it usually turns up negative because you can get frustrated with the Italian translations and lack of information. But today, there are so many resources to help you find your ancestors, whether they were immigrants or portions of them still in live in Italy.

A really great resource is its an online archival system that allows you to retrieve information from archived historical documents filed with various government offices. There is a fee for joining and requesting the information-- but I say, if you're really passionate about your heritage and family then consider this a contribution to your education for you and your children. Good luck and if anyone has a cool story about reconnecting with their Italian families, do share!!

Another great book available on Amazon about Italian Geneology:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Locating Your Long Lost Relatives in Italy.

Sometimes, looking and researching family ancestry in Italy can be extremely difficult and complicated if you don't know what or who you are looking for. Knowing where you come from and connecting with your background or family is a large part of a person's identity, so reconnecting with your roots is sometimes an essential task in learning about yourself.

If you ever watch these reuniting shows, like "Troy, the Locator" on the WE network, you can see how extensive and hard the process is, now take that and add the fact you are going to broaden your search into doubt...its a big endeavor. So, in finding your ancestors or living relatives you should start with basic web resources that can narrow your search or give you an idea of places or people. Remember using Google is also key in locating information. Here are a few good sites and a genealogist-- I came across. Start here, read about it and then move onto the next step. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Good Luck. (PS- Remember find credible people and sites..don't get scammed.)