Showing posts with label Pane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pane. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why I Can't Get No Fresh Bread Around Here..

I can't get no satisfaction because I can't get any fresh Italian bread around here in Jersey. Let's discuss the importance of fresh bread in any Italian household. If I'm at my parents house and there's no bread, its like there is a three alarm fire. We can not function without fresh bread. "U Pane" is the staple of the house, it was more than bread, it signified love, dinner time with my family and just always seemed to taste good with anything in it or on it..always made me feel better.

I grew up my whole life with my father coming home from work and bringing a loaf of fresh Italian bread from the bakery in Newark, NJ. Yes, these were the days when stopping "pu pane," (Thats how we say it) was an important daily ritual. Now, since I've moved out of the city suburbs into the suburbs my local grocery store has to provide me with bread that makes me want to vomit. If I want fresh bread or just even good bread I have to settle for the bagged Calandra bread brought in from who knows when. I like their bread, but I'd rather go pick up in the bakery. In New Jersey, or I should say more south Jersey, the bakery absence is a huge problem. I remember going to an occasion and promising the host I would bring the pastries, then I realized what was I crazy, I couldn't vouch for these Merigan bakeries and their pastry capabilities. What a mess. Anyway, I still struggle to find the perfect loaf of Italian bread but will remain loyal to North Jersey for what I need.

What are you thoughts? Who makes the best bread?