In today's turbulent times of gaining access to renewable energy resources, Italy is expected to become the number location in the world to take on the task of becoming the next solar hot spot for solar energy. Undeniably, we are under the gun to find renewable resources and if Italy can be a major contributor to developing more solar energy, I say cut the red tape and lets get it rolling.
If you tuned into the Democratic and Republic conventions, talking about renewable energy resources was the number topic for both presidential and vice presidential candidates. If you think about it, we are committed to two wars based on natural resources, some might say its not about energy or oil but let's get real...and just call it what it is.
I'm not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one, but I would almost bet that in the United States we could pursue more avenues of using or developing renewable energy. I don't see a lot of incentive to use other available natural resources. We need to start educating the American population on renewable energy and resources. While we're at it, implement education on recycling. We've lost our Green education somewhere along the way and this is why Europe is moving full speed ahead on green technology.
I'm excited to see how the solar energy project in Italy develops in the next year. Let's stay posted on this topic because it really benefits everyone.
For more information on this topic, visit: http://www.enn.com/energy/article/38068