Showing posts with label National Lasagna Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Lasagna Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

National Lasagne Day- July 29, 2009.

What would an Italian American blog be if I didn't mention important dates such as "National Lasagne Day?" So in honor of our delicious and staple food in the Italian household, I wish you all a healthy, happy National Lasagne Day. Now, with all this talk about lasagne and sauces, I feel the need to make lasagne. Buon appetito!!

Check out a national restaurant giving out free lasagne today in honor of the holiday:

PS- I had written "lasagna" because that is how many Italian Americans identify and pronounce it, to know the "lasagne" is proper. Thank you to those who wished to see it written properly.