Friday, November 7, 2008

Are You Ready For Agritourism? Live The Simple But Yet Magnificent Italian Way.

Did you ever dream about going to Italy for a once in a life time vacation? I still dream of Italy all the time and I've been there quite a few times. The newest and the latest in vacation trends is Agri-tourism. This term is really broad, living like a rustic- farmer with the simplest of necessities offered on a farm, grove or orchard estate in the hills of Tuscany. The experience is really quite amazing because you are truly exposed to the raw nature and exquisite lifestyle and culture of the Italian people.

If you think you know Italian, you really don't until you live and experience the traditions of Italian rural life, whether its milking cows, making wine, growing food, tending to goats, or cultivating your own land. Now, I really love the idea that Agri- tourism has become so trendy because in most living situations around the world today, we are so consumed with city and suburb life, which means little or no time for traditions. I mean come on, when was the last time you really had to make or grow your own food or tend to your live stock?(unless you live on a farm here in the US..which most of us don't)

The funny thing is I never realized that all the while-- while I visited my own family in Italy, that I was experiencing the Agri-tourism first hand. I didn't know that hanging out on my aunt's farm and helping to collect the fresh eggs was so hip and trendy. I'm really lucky because in experiencing my trips to Italy as a child and seeing the raw traditions first hand really gave me a sense of myself and education in knowing that if I had to, I could grow, cultivate and probably tend to my own live stock. Behind this glamorous (kidding of course) exterior is a Southern Italian agri-farmer.

So, in endorsing this new fabulous trend, I leave you with some links to really great places all over Italy that provide these Agri-touristic vacations. The beauty lies in the choices of these experiences, because you can choose a real raw first hand experience, or a some-what get your hands dirty experience with amenities. Not everyone is cut out for the rural life. If you're in the market for this experience, check out the links below.

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