If you're looking for information on travel, then all you have to do is search for travel Tweeters. I've been on Twitter for almost a year now http://twitter.com/ItalianAmerGirl) and if there is any information that I want to know or find out regarding travel I just check my Tweetboard and catch up on the latest and greatest deals available to Italy.
Now, I talk about Italy because that's our niche, but you can also find top travel advice and suggestions by some of the best travel experts to other parts of the world. Not only are you getting up to date airfare sales information but you can also find comparison price information, reward program updates, flight information if you're traveling, hotel accomodation pricing, villa availability, the list is endless.
Here is a list of Top Travel Tweeters that provide endless resourceful information on Italy. Sign up and start following them, you can only benefit from their Tweets.
Also if I've missed any other "Travel" tweeters who specialize in Italy, send me an email...I will add you. Italians support each other, or at least I try. ....
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter-- @italianamergirl
Great list Margaret - I found a couple of new people to follow myself! Thank you for the inclusion!
*sniff sniff* *boo hoo* ...I didn't make the list?
The icon of local travel in Italy? (hint: it's got two wheel and sounds like a wasp)
Time to go cry in my Minestra soup...
Warren, NO don't cry in the soup! I missed you, I will add you as well to the list! How can I neglect my Vespa.
Thanks for the mention and for your tweets on twitter. Both are greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the inclusion. And what a great discovery! Lots of useful people and organizations on this list.
Great list there! I actually find a few new ones I didn't know of before, either. A few of my favorites were on their, too... including @Italylogue - who's stuff is absolutely fantastic.
Thank you for the list, I am always looking for more Italian or Italian American blogs and tweeters!
It is my plan to add Italian genealogy travels to my business services, and I will look into these travel tweeters to get a better idea of what is out there!
Grazie ancora,
Ciao Margaret,
Please add us @DriveAmalfi to your list
@GoAmalfiCoast are not Travel Tweeters despite the name
Grazie !
Ciao Salvatore,
Noted, I added you to the list. Thanks for the heads up.
Thank you for this list, very interesting.
If you could ad me too?
Thanks for including us on the list!
Hi Margaret, really nice list, we knew only 12 out of 42. But you missed one... us. :-)
Just saw this list! Fab!! It's a great round -up, lots of new Italophiles for me to follow :) Thanks for including me!
Suditalia is dedicated to Italy too!
Southern Italy Holiday? Do you have a Twitter account? I will gladly list you!
Thank you,
Love the list Margaret, so thrilled to be on it too!! GRAZIE MILLE!!
Ciao Simone!
My pleasure.
Hi Margaret, our southern italy holiday twitter account is Sud Italia. We would love to be included in your list.
You might consider adding Italian Notes to your list, pleeease:)
Boo hoo! I'm not on the list either. I'd be honored if you'll include me in an update:
I would love to be added to the list...I tweet about Umbria! Thanks, @brigolante
Would love to join the list too... Thanks! Donna from undiscovered Maremma in Tuscany and Lazio...
Check out my "Tuscany" Blipfoto pages: http://www.blipfoto.com/Amalari
Thank you for including me! :o) Gloria
Consider adding me, Cook Italy, for Bologna and Emilia-Romagna region and my two recipe blogs?
@cookitaly on Twitter
Any chance I could be added to the list?? ciao ciao Monica
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