You know, when you hear the stories of sons and daughters talking about their Italian mothers, mother-in-laws, its really quite true about their presence and will. Italian women are strong and always get what they want, so take an Italian woman and add children to the recipe and you have one protective, strong willed woman. Italian mothers have a way of giving love and making you feel like you're the most important thing in the world.
I'm not sure about other cultures, I guess a mother loves unconditionally, but there is something to be said about Italian mothers and their ways. My mother is loving, but can throw on the ever so traditional Italian mother guilt like no other. I know when she asks me for something, it really means something else. No one can understand the indirectness of a question better than a son or daughter of an Italian mother. Compliments come and go, because one day your the "bella mia," and the next day your "scema." Its just the way it is, which is funny. I mean, its great..no one can give and take greatness better than an Italian mother. Sundays are usually my days with my family and I see all the things my mother does so effortlessly, it always make me wish I can be just as cool as her. Don't get me wrong my mother and I butt heads often, but according to my siblings and father, its because we are very alike. I don't see it, but OK, whatever. --I can only imagine myself at my mother's age, what will I be like? Just like her? The thought. I need a glass of wine to do that. Anyway, where would we be without our overbearing, micro-managing, loving, guilt giving, strong-willed Italian mothers? My guess is, no where. She's my rock, and she doesn't even know it!
(Photo-Property of ItalianAmericanGirl.com Copyright 2008-2019)
This was originally posted on 5/9/09
This was originally posted on 5/9/09
My wife is of Italian heritage, I am not. We've been married for 50+ years. Your statement about Italian mothers getting what they want is very true. This is true even if what they want is not what the rest of the family needs. Perfectionism runs rampant in our empty nest. My wife does not know the definition of NO. When our middle aged children courteously wish not to receive anything by saying no, whatever it is gets forced them.
Qualcuno fa mi pazzo!
This is funny and much of it true.....every mother is different and none by any means is perfect but one thing for sure ...whatever crazy way they choose to show it , Italian mothers truly care about their children and their families (sometimes perhaps a bit too much:)
I really enjoyed reading this but the poor grammar took away from the respect of the author...
"first generation Italian American", would be the author's mother; not the author. "First generation" would apply to the fact that she was the "first" one, in her family, to leave Italy for America.
America is comprised of people of many ethnic backgrounds... There are Irish Americans, Italian Americans, Sweedish Americans, etc. They are all Americans and their defining background acts as an adjective describing what type of Americans they are and where they came from. An American Italian, on the other hand, would be someone born in America but who comes from an Italian background. In this case, "American" describes the Italian. This is not a true Italian person but one who was born in America. If I emigrated to America from Italy, I would be an Italian American and would resent someone else, not born in Italy, to describe themselves as that.....
Margaret is an American Italian.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions. This is my blog, which is about my experiences as an Italian-American and yes I am Italian American and first generation. The great thing about being American is that we are privileged with freedom of speech- so even though I may not agree with what you say its fine. Be free to say what you will. Best wishes and thank you for reading my blog.
Awesome and soooo true!
Thanks Everyone!
You go girl! I'm part Albanian/Italian/Polish and what you said about Italian moms is very true! I have 4 kids 3 boys and one girl....My husband knows his place....I love being Italian!
Love the blog! I can remember my mom going uptown to Juanwannamaker to buy undershirts thst were iron weeky on saturday. I am also 1st gen cause mom never became a us citizen. i have a brautiful plaque my girls got me that reads "Una Mamma Italiana e una benedizione di Dio" translates to An italian mother is a blessing from God. So True!!
This is so true. I enjoyed reading this post.
beautiful story, u have a beautiful mother. nothing on earth quite like italian moms ❤️🇮🇹💯
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